
Spring Breeze(春風)

通常価格 ¥150,000
セールスプライス ¥150,000 通常価格

 【SIZE】29.5cm × 90cm × 2.4cm



【作品材料】墨 朱墨 画仙紙

【作品ストーリー】 春風(しゅんぷう) 風にほひつき ほころぶ べにに こころよろこぶ はるのまちわび

Spring Breeze The breeze smells like spring Flowers open with a smile Spring makes them happy They had waited for so long verse:Yuki Kobayashi translated: Seth Balthazar 

樹形が臥竜に似ると言われている臥竜梅(がりょうばい)を象った作品です。 待ちわびた春の訪れと共に花が咲くように、冬の季節を乗り越えて笑顔も自然とこぼれますようにと願い筆を執った作品です。

【作品のポイント】 臥竜梅の枝をイメージして墨で篆書体をデフォルメした「風」字と「春」字がつながるように書いてあります。そこに梅の花や蕾をイメージして朱墨で歌が書いてあります。 パネル側面には花びら模様が龍の鱗のようにも見える絹を貼ってあります。

The character for "wind" and the character for "spring" are written in deformed seal script in sumi ink, with the image of a branch of a reclining plum tree, so that they are connected.
A song is written in red ink on the image of plum blossoms and buds.
The sides of the panel are covered with silk with a petal pattern that looks like dragon scales.




This artwork is an image of a "lying dragon plum tree," so named because of its resemblance to a dragon crawling on the ground. The characters written in red ink on it seem to dance like a sound. The artwork is doubly interesting when viewed as a whole from a distance and in detail up close.