

通常価格 ¥30,000
セールスプライス ¥30,000 通常価格

 【SIZE】H392mm×W530mm×D17mm(作品部分 H249mm×W337mm)



【作品ストーリー】「私は誰もいない暗いアトリエにただ立っている 智恵子抄で知られる高村光太郎の詩。智恵子亡き後に書かれたもの。 突き刺さるような孤独な詩です。 明るい詩や、美しい詩が好まれる事が多いかもしれませんが、 言葉では説明しきれないリアルで深い心情をすくい上げたような 詩に魅力を感じ、選んで書きました。

Story of the artwork
I am just standing in a dark atelier with no one around.A poem by Kotaro Takamura, known for Chieko-Sho. It was written after Chieko's death.It is a piercing and lonely poem.Although bright or beautiful poems are often preferred,I chose to write this poem because I am attracted to the poem that seems to capture real and deep feelings that cannot be explained in words.

【作品のポイント】智恵子の故郷の福島県二本松を訪れた際、智恵子と光太郎の生涯について知る機会があり、 それがきっかけでこの詩に出会いました。 言葉では説明しきれないリアルで深い心情に迫った詩を書いた作品 羊毛の長鋒で繊細さを大切にしながら、詩の世界観に寄り添って書いた作品です。 文学に触れるスペースなどにそっと佇める作品だと思います。

Highlights of the artwork
When I visited Chieko's hometown Nihonmatsu in Fukushima Prefecture, I had a chance to learn about the lives of Chieko and Kotaro - this is how I came across this poem.A work of writing a poem that approaches real and deep feelings that cannot be explained in words.This is a piece that I wrote to accompany the world of the poem, valuing the delicacy of the wool's long spearhead.I think it is a piece of work that can gently stand in a space where people can experience literature.





 Staff Comment

A poem by Kotaro Takamura written by Sadanobu Saikawa.The world of the poem is expressed in an original way by the writer who felt it. Wool long spearheads are made of sheep's wool and have long brush strokes. We hope you will enjoy displaying this art piece, which is beautiful from afar and delicate and gentle up close.