
白日 the bright sun [sunshine]

通常価格 ¥187,000
セールスプライス ¥187,000 通常価格

 【SIZE】1090mm×1360mm×1mm(作品部分 690mm×1360mm×1mm)



【作品ストーリー】 白日…くもりのない太陽は希望の象徴である 。
「白」には汚れや濁りがなく清いといった意味がある。 「日」は太陽の象形であり、それは、朝のぼり夕方に沈む、光り輝く天体。



[Bright Sun / 白日]
Bright sun...The sun without clouds is a symbol of hope.
The first word in Kanji, "white (白)" means pure, free from dirt and turbidity.
The second word in Kanji, "sun(日)" is a diminutive of the sun, a shining celestial body that rises in the morning and sets in the evening. I saw hope in it. I projected the incessant light onto the word "Bright Sun (Haku-Jitsu)," and entrusted the overflowing radiance to the repeated words "white (haku)" and "sun(jitsu)".
Writing ideograms, or Kanji (Chinese characters), is an act of giving form and meaning to something invisible, in other words, an act of putting one's "heart" into it.
Writing repeatedly is like an act of approaching nothingness, even like a mantra. It is a desire to write down as much as possible of the ever-changing form of words, and an expression of longing for something that can only be found through continuous repetition.





[Bright Sun / 白日]… The sun without clouds is a symbol of hope. Do you have a favorite Kanji (Chinese characters) or word?
This artwork reminds us that calligraphy is to use Kanji, to write with one's heart and familiarity.
On the right side [white] and on the left side [sun] are written. No two Chinese characters written repeatedly are the same.